For the past few years now, as I have traveled, I have seen a wide array of people living on the streets. Tiny thai men living in tents on top of metals roofs down an ally in Bangkok , legless men in Antigua Guatemala who sweep the walk ways to former anthropology students who started out living on the street as a social experiment then ending up liking it.

This is a collection of men and women who I have interviewed over a nice lunch. I've always struggled with just giving money to these people, so I started taking these people out to lunch in exchange for an interview and some photos. Here is their story:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Black Cat hostel in Antigua

Insanity, pure insanity. This was a hostel we stayed at in Antigua, Guatemala. This can only accurately be described if you have see one of two movies, The first ninja turtles where you see the Shreaders hide out where there are all the boys running around doing whatever they want, smoking playing poker, all the oldest sins done in the newest ways. Or possibly Hansels loft in Zoolander, which is along the same lines of the Ninja Turtles. Be it one or the other it was an incredibly interesting Hostel.

This shot is of Seth Hanks relaxing after we got in from a 9 hours night bus ride from Flores.

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