For the past few years now, as I have traveled, I have seen a wide array of people living on the streets. Tiny thai men living in tents on top of metals roofs down an ally in Bangkok , legless men in Antigua Guatemala who sweep the walk ways to former anthropology students who started out living on the street as a social experiment then ending up liking it.
This is a collection of men and women who I have interviewed over a nice lunch. I've always struggled with just giving money to these people, so I started taking these people out to lunch in exchange for an interview and some photos. Here is their story:
So i am home. Pretty epic trip. Met a load of good people and had some crazy experiences like being homeless and sleeping in a city park with a bunch of homeless people, meeting two NSA and CIA agents, riding for a week and a half in the worst storm that Washington and Oregon has had all year, a few broken bike parts, the best farmers tan ever, and legs disproportionate to the rest of my body... all in all a good time. I will probably try and type up some of the better stories later so look for them!
So i got wicked good with the timer on my camera. Redwoods Meet Duluth: Somewhere in Washington or OR...
and on a completely different note, this is Rock 'n Roll at its finest.
Just got into Crescent City last night in torrents of rain. This rain is running me down, slowly but surely. Looks at the weather coming up though and i dont think i have ever been more stoked to see a weather report in my life. The weather for the next few days of my trip...
But! things are going well for the most part. My welcome into California was a broken seat post... i must be pounding to many carbs, or all my gear is suspended from my seat post you can choose what to believe. which is rough i was afraid that i was going to have to fork out a load of cash for a new one but when i went into this TINY bike shop in Crescent City the dude just gave me one he has just recently salvaged... so rad.
I have met some rad people as well. Last night i was suppose to stay with a friends oarents here but things didnt work out for some reason. Anyways i met these guys on the road yesterday. and retired secret service dude, when i asked what he did he gave me the classic answer of if i told you i would have to kill you and i am tired so i am just not going to tell you. and the other a buddy of his from the military. super cool guys. They baught me dinner and let me stay with them in there hotel room which was epic considering the weather. we also met up with this dude who has been hiking the coast he stayed with us too. good people for sure. a little strange but good.
my time at the library is almost up so i am out for now. I am alive and doing well...