For the past few years now, as I have traveled, I have seen a wide array of people living on the streets. Tiny thai men living in tents on top of metals roofs down an ally in Bangkok , legless men in Antigua Guatemala who sweep the walk ways to former anthropology students who started out living on the street as a social experiment then ending up liking it.

This is a collection of men and women who I have interviewed over a nice lunch. I've always struggled with just giving money to these people, so I started taking these people out to lunch in exchange for an interview and some photos. Here is their story:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Run the Red Rock

Did this sweet relay awhile back. Arguably one of the more enjoyable things i have done it awhile. Staying up for ungodly hours on end driving through some of the most beautiful scenery Utah has to offer and running endlessly.

187 Miles through 3 national parks 8000 feet in elevation change, and one helluva good time.

The Red Rock Experience

We were legends, it was outstanding to hear people gasp as they see a bunch of dude and two attractive females in absurdly short shorts and tank tops. Gagging or gasps of jealousy, either one i'll take.

Did this:

The Crew & Black Sabbath, our support Van.


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